Recap: 2019, a year in words

I’ve been tracking my monthly/yearly wordcounts since 2018 and I’ve just updated my final wordcount for 2019 a few minutes ago.


2018 was a though year for me, and I can’t feel proud about my wordcount, either. It was around 66k. Now 2019… this last year has brought me countless surprises but it has graced me with unforeseen opportunities, as well! All in all, I enjoyed last year with all of its challenges.

I wrote about 165k in 2019. Which is great for me! I’ve struggled for a few months with writing/editing but finally found something that seems to help with my productivity. And I’m incredibly happy with this number. I’ll look at this a few years later and probably be amused at such a small number, but I feel this was a huge, important step for me.

This was the year where I finally said “f* plan B, why do I always think in terms of plan B, let’s try to do plan A!” and then see where it gets me.

It got me to a place I’m pretty happy with; I still have my challenges and steep learning curves related to publishing but each day, I feel like I get closer to my goal. My plans have changed through the year and it’s OK because that’s how you can reach your goals and keep healthy and (probably) sane ;)

How was your year? What do you want to accomplish in 2020?

Thanks for an incredible 2019, here’s an awesome 2020! May the 20s be with us! <3