Plans for The Snow King

Hello again! I'm back to my infrequent schedule of posting here.

So I published my novella on amazon, an enrolled in kdp select. I'd have to say, if you have only 1 book out, maybe it's better not to enroll and to go out on all platforms. Just for future reference, kdp select is probably the best option if you have one or more book series.

I am also thinking of doing a second edition before I go out on all platforms. The story was written very quickly and I had it pointed out that it would benefit to make the book longer. And I want to make it a more enjoyable read, so if you have any helpful comments, please tell me. If you've already purchased the book, do not worry, because as far as I know, the new edition will automatically download to your device as soon as it is published and you're online and you've opened the book.

Or something like that. I might need to check planetary alignments, too, just to be sure it isn't another condition.

And it seems I'm back to Budapest. Then I'm back to London in the summer. Crazy life, huh? On a side note, I've picked up food photography as a hobby. Even though I should probably work on my next book (and/or the second edition for The Snow King).

See you next time! (Whenever that'll be!)