It's that time of the year again

October 16th, 15 days to go before National Novel Writing Month, also knows as NaNoWriMo. This will be my 7th year.

However, before NaNo begins, I'm working on a better edition of The Snow King. I have had some time in spring to work on it, very little time in June, then my intense job began, lasted till end of September, with no time to write/edit. 15 days to go till NaNo, I'll make it a point to work on a chapter per day at least.

Also, looking for a fitting, permament job, drop me a line if you hear anything, thanks. And I made the first step for acquiring my driving lisence! Yay! The course will be in November, but it'll be managable even with NaNo in my opinion. I mean, if I could do NaNo while doing second to last semester at Uni, or working full time, then I can deal with a driving course, yes?

Are you doing NaNoWriMo? Do you have any plans for Halloween? Or November?

Winter tale e-book [to publish]

Great news! I finally have something you'll be able to read soon! If all goes according to plan, then you'll be able to download this e-book from various platforms before Christmas!

But what is this 'winter tale' I'm talking about? And urban fantasy novella/novelette, set in winter. Add a little bit of magic, adventure and romance and you'll get a nice story to read or gift during the holidays! You'll find more details on my Books page within the week. I'm also adding a status report to my trilogy.

I'm so excited! I'm finally publishing something! You'll be able to actually read one of my stories! I hope you'll like it :) Stay tuned for more details in the upcoming days/weeks.

Happy Advent :)

NaNoWriMo and job-hunting yet again

Where to start? First, hello, I am still alive :) Summer was long and exhausting. I couldn't go on holiday, because that was how my job worked back then. Then came October, my contract finished, it's the end of November and I am still looking for a job.

I really don't like job hunting, especially the cover letters. Yikes! Well, fingers crossed! I want to stay in London, so let's hope for the best. When I'm not writing, I'm reading job-seeking advice day and night. Crazy.

As for NaNoWriMo, this is my most productive November so far (6th year as a Wrimo). I hit 45K today, so only 5K more to go. Which can be done in less than a day, although I'm not sure if I want to do a marathon tomorrow. I should get out and... umm... maybe I'll write a couple of applications before continuing my novel.

Anyway, if you're participating in NaNoWriMo, please share your experience! :)

Writing in London

Hi! It's been awhile! 2,5 months? Lots of happened, most important of all, I moved to London, because of a new job. I'm really looking forward to end the training, and start the job itself. I'll be able to use my hard-earned language skills, too! Whohoo!

And London. Have I mentioned I just love this city? I've been here a few times as a tourist, and ever since I've been trying to relocate. And after about 1,5 years from the first time I set my eyes on this lovely place, I did it! I'm actually living here! :)

I'm struggling a little bit with writing, to be honest. I'm still settling in and in need of a couple of things, for example, a place where I can write comfortably and freely. But I'm working on that.
And there's this wonderful magazine, with useful infos. I've just purchased a copy for this month. Whenever I read it (or skim it), I always get that extra boost to try and try harder to make my ambitions a reality. It's called Writing Magazine.
You're sure to find something interesting each month, whether you're just starting out, or an experienced writer.

Well, that's it for today. And... I think I'm actually putting this online now. Otherwise it's just wasted money (which I am completely against), plus Writing Mag gave me an extra nudge today. So, be brave, Katelyn, and let the www see what you've done.