NaNoWriMo and job-hunting yet again

Where to start? First, hello, I am still alive :) Summer was long and exhausting. I couldn't go on holiday, because that was how my job worked back then. Then came October, my contract finished, it's the end of November and I am still looking for a job.

I really don't like job hunting, especially the cover letters. Yikes! Well, fingers crossed! I want to stay in London, so let's hope for the best. When I'm not writing, I'm reading job-seeking advice day and night. Crazy.

As for NaNoWriMo, this is my most productive November so far (6th year as a Wrimo). I hit 45K today, so only 5K more to go. Which can be done in less than a day, although I'm not sure if I want to do a marathon tomorrow. I should get out and... umm... maybe I'll write a couple of applications before continuing my novel.

Anyway, if you're participating in NaNoWriMo, please share your experience! :)

Writing in London

Hi! It's been awhile! 2,5 months? Lots of happened, most important of all, I moved to London, because of a new job. I'm really looking forward to end the training, and start the job itself. I'll be able to use my hard-earned language skills, too! Whohoo!

And London. Have I mentioned I just love this city? I've been here a few times as a tourist, and ever since I've been trying to relocate. And after about 1,5 years from the first time I set my eyes on this lovely place, I did it! I'm actually living here! :)

I'm struggling a little bit with writing, to be honest. I'm still settling in and in need of a couple of things, for example, a place where I can write comfortably and freely. But I'm working on that.
And there's this wonderful magazine, with useful infos. I've just purchased a copy for this month. Whenever I read it (or skim it), I always get that extra boost to try and try harder to make my ambitions a reality. It's called Writing Magazine.
You're sure to find something interesting each month, whether you're just starting out, or an experienced writer.

Well, that's it for today. And... I think I'm actually putting this online now. Otherwise it's just wasted money (which I am completely against), plus Writing Mag gave me an extra nudge today. So, be brave, Katelyn, and let the www see what you've done.