Yokai Treasures Companion books: Ciara

This one has quite a few time-jumps and thus might feel a bit... abrupt at times. We start off in Ciara's early childhood as she discovers her special powers and grows into it as a teenager - or is it rejecting it in the end? And we finish a few years ago when the accident that has changed her life happened.

I wanted to share with you some of Ciara's baggage she's been holding onto. The guilt and the shock that prevents her at the beginning of Sword & Mirror to fully accept herself. Why she thought she was undeserving to be happy - and why she refused to sing that aria.

Fun fact: the scene about the accident and the one at the doctor’s were cut from the first draft of Sword and Mirror.

Ciara's side story

Yokai Treasures Companion books

Yokai Treasures Companion Books: Katsuo

This story shows us the incident that has happened in Katsuo's household about 10 years before the events in Sword & Mirror. I wanted to give you additional insight into Katsuo's mind; what makes him distrustful of women (except his Granny, of course!) and how he got the scar on his back.

It also includes a wedding. Oh, quite a research went into that and I can't be sure it's all accurate. You see, nowadays, a wedding is traditionally shito-style. However, because Katsuo has a pagoda and that's related to buddhism I had to look into buddhist ceremonies. I tried to reflect that the best I could, but I can't be sure it looked the same in the 16th century Japan. Seeing as this is fiction (and fantasy, at that!) I hope you'll give me some leeway of artistic freedom ;)

Read Katsuo's side story

Yokai Treasures Companion books

Smoke and Jewel: finished!

Book 2 in the Yokai Treasures series is finished, and is right now at the editor. It’s going to be a bit challenging to keep up with the deadline but I’ll try my best. I really, really want to publish a book on the 29th February. I’d have to wait 4 more years for another chance like this! Not to mention you expect it. Now to come up with a blurb…

I’m not going to start book 3 until Smoke and Jewel is in its final form, because things happen when you edit. I’ll work on some side-projects until then.

Which also includes articles about medieval Japan! I’ve been invited to contribute to a website for Historical Romance readers - even though my genre is romantic fantasy or fantasy romance, I know quite a bit about Japan’s history and culture ;) And those lovely readers seem interested in the topic!

I’ll be posting links to the articles and the website later.

Phew, it’s only the 23rd day this year but it already feels like so many things happened! I’ve already finished a book this year! Mindblowing!

Recap: 2019, a year in words

I’ve been tracking my monthly/yearly wordcounts since 2018 and I’ve just updated my final wordcount for 2019 a few minutes ago.


2018 was a though year for me, and I can’t feel proud about my wordcount, either. It was around 66k. Now 2019… this last year has brought me countless surprises but it has graced me with unforeseen opportunities, as well! All in all, I enjoyed last year with all of its challenges.

I wrote about 165k in 2019. Which is great for me! I’ve struggled for a few months with writing/editing but finally found something that seems to help with my productivity. And I’m incredibly happy with this number. I’ll look at this a few years later and probably be amused at such a small number, but I feel this was a huge, important step for me.

This was the year where I finally said “f* plan B, why do I always think in terms of plan B, let’s try to do plan A!” and then see where it gets me.

It got me to a place I’m pretty happy with; I still have my challenges and steep learning curves related to publishing but each day, I feel like I get closer to my goal. My plans have changed through the year and it’s OK because that’s how you can reach your goals and keep healthy and (probably) sane ;)

How was your year? What do you want to accomplish in 2020?

Thanks for an incredible 2019, here’s an awesome 2020! May the 20s be with us! <3

New schedule - more chapters for you to enjoy!

So this week was a test-run: we’ll have updates to Sword & Mirror on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays.

I had to make this adjustment, because I want to publish the book end of September, and don’t want to leave you hanging. Please read until then. As soon as it’s published, I’ll have to delete the free chapters, so enjoy until that time comes. However, it’ll be available in KU, moreover, it’ll be the clean, edited version, so that’s good news for you, right? ^^

If you want to read ahead and support me while I write, please visit my Patreon page. My patrons will be the first ones to hear news, see covers and read my stories first. Because they’re so wonderful <3

Anyway, just a heads-up: once we reach the end of Sword & Mirror, I’ll need to readjust the schedule once again, taking my publishing plans into account. I’ll let you know how frequently I’ll be posting book 2. Thank you for reading!



I’ve started a Patreon page.

What is Patreon?
It is a platform which helps you support your favourite artists and creators. Do you remember when we learnt at Litetature or Arts class that artists sometimes were patronaged by wealthy people so they could create art and not die from hunger? Kind of like the modern version, but you don’t need to be filthy rich to support your favourites. You can pledge as little as one US dollar per month and you’ll get some behind-the-scenes stuff and extra chapters ;)

Why Patreon?
It would help support me and if we reach a certain amount, I would be able to concentrating fully and freely on creating fresh stories for you <3

Here’s a short video to help you understand:
(post continues after the video)

What you’ll get out of it?

For only a dollar per month, you’ll get access to one extra chapter ahead of anyone else. You’ll also be among the first ones to have a look at my covers and blurbs. Before publication. Cool, isn’t it?

For 5 dollar per month or more, you’ll get two extra chapters and of course, be among the first ones to see the covers and blurbs.

For 10 dollar per month, you’ll get 4 extra chapters, plus access to covers and blurbs. AND you’ll get a free ebook before publication! (Not retroactive.) Isn’t that just the awesomest thing? :D

Thank you for supporting my dream of becoming a full-time novelist. I want to write stories for you, so you can escape reality, have fun adventures and unexpected romance in faraway lands. And you don't even have to leave your comfy armchair ;)

CLICK HERE FOR ADVANCED CHAPTERS OF SWORD & MIRROR. You get to read the first draft - new chapter every Monday ;)